Friday, May 11, 2007

Quotes Part II - What Should I do with My Life

Dead Sea, Jordan

Quotes Part II – from What Should I Do with my Life and other favorite sayings

When there is no desire, all things are at peace

In dwelling, live close to the ground

In thinking, keep to the simple

In conflict, be fair and generous

In governing, don’t try to control

In work, do what you enjoy

In family life, be completely present

From “What Should I do with my Life” article

What do I do next vs to what can I devote my life?

Who you are vs what you do

What is freedom for if not the chance to define for yourself who you are?

We are all writing the story of our own life. It’s not a story of conquest. It’s a story of discovery

What gifts do we have to offer the world?


What in my life builds meaning for me?

What do I do that I like?

What do I do and like that has impact on people?

What calls out to me in life?

What do I expect and want?


Give it the time it requires – don’t rush

Involves clarity


Involves deep interests


Deeply excited about doing something

Deeply engaged in doing it

Themes present during those times


Blessed with the ultimate privilege – our economy is vast

Filter out chatter that tells you to be someone your not

To learn the sound of your own voice

To ask the Question and seek out a path to the Answer



Turning points

Having more choices makes answering the question harder

Face up to the challenge; armed with weaknesses and equipped with fears

What really matters when it comes to work?

Whisper – faint urge – that’s the call – it’s up to you to do the work of discovery

Never a single right answer

At some point it feels right to choose

Stumbling Blocks


Even with financial independence to walk away, people rarely do

Making a change comes from a personal trigger

The shortest route to the good life involves building the confidence that you can live happily within your means

Embracing your dreams is liberating

Have a sense of purpose

Spending habits reorganize

You discover you need less

Your callings, most often, comes after great difficulties

Connect with people emotionally not just rationally

What moves your heart to put up with the down sides?


Your calling is not always what makes the brain happy

Don’t ask what I am good at – this is intensity not passion

Passion – meaningful + fulfilling

Is your choice something that will stimulate you for a year or something you can be passionate about for 10 years?

My life plan should be






What belief system will I adopt?

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